China International Meat Industry Week 2024
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China International Meat Industry Week 2024
22st China International Meat Industry Exhibition Invitation Letter
We cordially invite you to participate in the "China International Meat Industry Week 2024and the 22st China International Meat Industry Exhibition" to be held in Ji Nan,China from September 10th to 12nd, 2024. This event is hosted by the China Meat Association(CMA) and the International Meat Secretariat (IMS). It is currently the most authoritative andprofessional event in the Chinese meat industry with the largest scale and influence, and thehighest success rate in trade and cooperation. Government representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MOARA),the State Administration for MarketRegulation (SAMR),the GeneralAdministration of Customs(GACC), the National Development and Reform Commission(NDRC), and the National Health Commission(NHC) will be invited to share the development plans of the meat industry, international meat tradepolicies, meat food safety and other industry concerns. At the same time, thousands of meatenterprises and tens of thousands of industry colleagues will be present at the event as well.
The schedule for the event is as follows:
September 10thto 12th
-Thematic conference on intemational meat trade cooperation and meat processing
- Business matching activities
September 10th to 12d
exchanges and cooperation among colleagues in the global meat industry.
Ji Nan is one of the most economically developed cities in China, a major meat consumption market and a popular tourist destination known for its beautiful scenery and diverse culinary delights. Hereby, we look forward to gathering with you in Ji nan,gaining in-depth understanding ofthe Chinese meat market demands, expanding cooperation channels with the Chinese meat industry, finding more and better trade partners, and embarking on an unforgettable joumey of collaboration and culinary exploration.The 22st China International Meat Industry Exhibition focusing on the fields of livestock and poultry slaughtering,meat processing, import and export, machinery and equipment, coldchain logistics,packaging materials, and food ingredients. This exhibition aims to further enhance.
China Meat Association
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